Who doesn’t love a houseplant. Or two… Or three… Or if you’re like Sylvia, you have 30. (Yes, she did a headcount this morning. She has 30!)
According to Healthline, here are 7 benefits as to why you should get a plant:
- May help reduce stress levels
- May sharpen your attention
- May be therapeutic
- Could help you recover from illness faster
- May boost your productivity
- May improve your whole outlook on work/school
- Improve the quality of indoor air
“But Sylvia, I kill my plants!”
Don’t worry, there are a few plants that actually thrive off of some neglect. Obviously they still need water and sunlight, they just aren’t as needy as some other plants.
- ZZ Plant
- Snake Plant
- Spider Plant
- Pothos
- Peace Lily
I have successfully killed all of these type of plants at one point, but that’s because I REALLY neglected them. (Very little water, very very very little love from me.)
Check out my snake plant that I’ve had for the last 4.5 years. It was at knee height when I first got it. It’s on the floor and I am standing up… I am just under 5’9″…
But anyways, happy Houseplant Appreciation Day! Get yourself a green little friend to celebrate!